Monday, May 11, 2009

A Note on SAP / Flex and iPerspective

Ridiculously long time since a post, but, for anyone who knew I went, my trip to Palo Alto wasn't what I had expected. I thought I'd be writing an interface to parse the SAP metadata used to render an SAP screen and render it in a Flex application.

It appears as though it had already been done... not sure if it was/is an open source project, but one thing that did come out of my own experimentation is a little interface called iPerspective.

iPerspective: In the app I was building it seemed to make sense to (instead of manage components' interactivity through states) dispatch a PerspectiveEvent (listened for in the App and pushed back down to all registered components), changing the look of the ApplicationControlBar, and anything else that is a mx.core.container that implements iPerspective.

I'll work with it next week if/when I have time -- if it makes sense in practice, maybe I'll open source it.
Anyway, no real stories. Hope all is well out there.

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